Where is Your Copy?

If the answer is yes, does your friend, your mom, your dad, siblings, cousins, friends, frenemies, enemies and all the people in between? Amazon lets you gift these things! You can even hold them as a gift for a birthday or Christmas present. Point is, the sale is a limited time and I'd love you … Continue reading Where is Your Copy?

Dry July

Well, as an Indie, the only truly bad part about being your own boss is that you can't reprimand the underlings for slacking on their job. Well, you can, but it's basically a shouting match in front of a mirror. And let's face it, I can't argue with this face. Soooo, my busy body time … Continue reading Dry July

What to Get Your Author for Xmas

Hint #1: It's Free!! Answer: A Review It may not seem like much, but to Indies, it's almost better than currency. A review or a rating on places like Amazon, GoodReads, a blog or any venue of social media is like seeing the storm clouds part and sun shinning directly on us. As an Indie, … Continue reading What to Get Your Author for Xmas

Full-Frontal Honesty

So, in the Indie world, there are two kinds of authors: Published and Working to be Published. And just to be clear, Indie mean Independent, so you're doing this all on your own as your own personal publishing house. That said, keep in mind more successful Indie artists will have agents and publicists still working … Continue reading Full-Frontal Honesty

Maybe Don’t Get Out?

Someone asked me once what writer's block was like, as if it were a physical ailment. I think I've finally created a good analogy (in my perspective at least). Imagine going on a road trip, you pack all of your entertainment (music, books, games) in the back seat. At some point, you pull over to … Continue reading Maybe Don’t Get Out?