Inspiring? Me? Okay.


Well, this is a first for me. I’ve been nominated (not sure who actually wins this sort of thing) for an Inspiring Blogger Award. Thanks, Erin, for handing over this lovely new age piece of chain mail. At the very least, now I know I’m in the running for your top 7 bloggers.

I guess now is when I tell you that future nominees (victims) are supposed to:

  1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Personally, fifteen sounds like a lot. Shall we make it 10? Great! Thanks for agreeing with me. Anywho, on to the stuff…

7 Facts:

  1. I could eat peanut M&M’s anytime, anywhere for any reason. Like green eggs & ham, they are good everywhere.
  2. Most people don’t realize that I’m a phenomenal baseball player. Not like professionally or anything, but I would hold my own anywhere else.
  3. My lifelong goal is to be on the set of a professional movie, in any capacity.
  4. I laugh at inappropriate things like junk punches and people falling on the ice. (sorry to anyone who has heard me)
  5. On long road trips I count in-between mile markers in a sequence. (1,1-2, 1-2-3 and in reverse) This is my strange compulsion, I don’t know why.
  6. I have a horrid fear of bees. If you tell me that they won’t do anything if I just stay still, my first move will be to punch you in the face before running away, arms flailing. Seriously, who does that shit? Those little flying helicopters of pain are bound to win any argument with me, because I immediately surrender my territory, food, child and money to make them go away.
  7. Lastly, I could carry on deep philosophical conversations all day if someone engaged them with me. Religion, science, politics you name it, I love having different viewpoints and opinions to respond to. Now, if you’re an obvious idiot or an asshat, I may be cutting the conversation short. I’m not a sounding board. Go talk to your reflection for that.

On to the Nominees (Doing this in Alphabetical Order so it shows no favoritism, but you know who you are):

Josie Ahlquist – Josie was one of the first people I started following on WordPress. She’s an inspiration to anyone who values education, as I do. She’s pursuing her doctorate in Higher Education Leadership and posts a lot on social media influences. There’s a lot more to this blogger, go check her out.

Lizzy Baldwin – The lady from My Little Book Blog is always a simple inspiration of what I hope to achieve in terms of helping people out. From witty quips to book reviews, she’s great.

Sarah J. Carlson – The American, living in Singapore, surrounded by Brits. Her fun tales of writing and travel always have me looking for more.

Jason Cushman – The infamous Opinionated Man. Anyone willing to speak their mind about anything without sounding like a complete bigot or a toolbox is inspiring in my book. He dabbles humor with common sense and puts out posts under two blogs. Not to mention he can write some pretty elegant stuff.

Jeyna Grace – This is my Self-Publishing inspiration. She’s getting things done in a major way and posts Harry Potter fan fiction on her site. Enough said.

Jenny Lawson – This lady cracks me up with every post.

Amanda Lyle – This cheeky monkey can brighten my day with her blog, Inside the Life of Moi. Her Dennis Miller style of ranting with pictures draws me in and makes me think of how I can be better. Two words for you, Amanda: Cat Jumpers.

Erin Lyon – {No Take-backs} And no, I don’t think you have to do this all over again. But, Erin is an inspiration for me. She likes my posts regularly and keeps me going on some days when I wonder like Pink Floyd “Is there anybody out there” – Also, a funny lawyer should be inspiration that life is worth living. Inspiring, Her Ass.

Ian Probert – If his stories don’t inspire you, his artwork should. Chapter by chapter releases on his site always have me wishing for more time in my day.

Shannon A. Thompson – I always find myself looking forward to her posts. She helps other writers, takes time to respond and has plenty of momentum.

There ya be, now go pick on other people and keep the cycle going.


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